100 Days of Writing Project
Inspired by the 100 Days of Ukulele and the #100DayProject, the 100 Days of Writing Project is an opportunity to write and support other writers. Whether you are getting started, staying motivated, or finishing a writing project, join this community of writers for encouragement and sharing. Any types of writing are welcome — personal, professional, academic — and in any format — short stories, poems, Tweets, anything! No matter what: Write!
The idea of the 100 Days of Writing Project is to write daily for 100 days, from Wednesday, September 8, 2021 to Thursday, December 16, 2021. You are encouraged to pick a goal, such as 100 minutes or 100 words each day. Pick a goal that is achievable for you during this period.
How to Join:
Step 1: Choose to start the 100 Days of Writing Project
Step 2: Join the Community of Writers on Facebook
Step 3: Start writing!
Where to Post:
Post on Medium, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Yelp, basically anywhere you want! Just be sure to use the #100DaysofWritingProject tag.
If you would like to share an excerpt or writing sample each day, you can post a link or create a discussion post in the Facebook group.
Community of Practice Guidelines:
100 Days of Writing Project community members should contribute to a healthy, supportive environment that encourages writers to keep writing. Share your writing as you are comfortable, and send encouragement to others, particularly when excerpts of writing are shared. This community values care, affirmation, and abundance. Writers of all experience and current abilities are welcome.
Editor or Writing Coach
Looking for someone to help professionally edit your writing? Or coach you through a writing project? One of our moderators, Megan Krone, can help you with that! Contact Megan at megan.krone@gmail.com to learn more or visit megankrone.com.
I’m excited that this is finally happening and that my own personal goal of writing will be shared with a larger community of writers. A huge “Thank You” to Megan Krone for collaborating on this project with me. To Conor McLaughlin for agreeing to help moderate the project. To the countless other colleagues who encouraged me to do this thing. And to you, the community of writers, who inspire me and others to courageously write! Thanks so much for participating in the #100daysofwritingproject!